Hello Coastal Defenders! Today's weekly update features a number of important updates for Surfrider's California region - not the least of which being our new chapter prevention guidelines for COVID-19. Below are a number of resources from virus guidelines, 2020 legislation updates, community building webinars and more!
COVID-19 Updates
The world health community continues to closely monitor the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease it causes, named “coronavirus disease 2019” (COVID-19). Given this uncertainty of how severe the outbreak will be, and the fact that the seasonal influenza (flu) virus is also widespread, we are taking proactive steps to address a number of concerns. First and foremost, we want to maintain a safe volunteer environment and encourage and/or adopt practices protecting the health of volunteers, employees, or others. We also want to ensure the continuity of our mission’s organizational operations in the event of a pandemic. We ask all chapter volunteers to cooperate in taking steps to reduce the transmission of communicable diseases in events.
Please click here for the full prevention guidelines on Chapternet. (passcode is gosurf) Here are some additional updates: Ocean Day in Sacramento has been POSTPONED until Summer. Stay tuned for the new date. We are currently looking into postponing the California Chapters Conference in April and will keep you posted when the decision is finalized.
Protect & Enjoy Episode 39: Ocean Day POSTPONED, 2020 Legislation Study Guide, Join Hands Across the Sand

The March 9, 2020 episode features the following topics -
- 2020 Ocean and Coast Legislation
- Hands Across the Sand
- Santa Cruz Beach Management Plan
- Santa Cruz working to define homelessness, public space rules
- Demand Congress take climate change action now!
Show notes: The California Coastal Commission is meeting this week in Santa Cruz. You can follow live coverage of the California Coastal Commission here then get our recap next week at www.actcoastal.org. You can also get policy updates on the weekly Surfrider California 'Protect and Enjoy' podcast - click here! If you would like to be featured/have content to share contact Jennifer Savage - jsavage@surfrider.org.
Upcoming Community Building Webinars!
March 19th - Get Together: How to Build Community With Your People Surfrider is proud to host a webinar featuring People & Company, who will dive into their research which shows that you must build a community with your people, not for them. In other words, approach community building as progressive acts of collaboration. They’ll explore how you can use these techniques to help grow your club or chapter. Check them out! https://youtu.be/A0BID9PI5VY When: Mar 19, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time YOU MUST REGISTER in advance for this meeting.
April 8th -Heartwired to Love the Ocean: Messaging to Motivate Action Surfrider is proud to host a webinar featuring GSSR/Wonder Strategies for Good who will explain their Heartwired to Love the Ocean research on understanding the mindsets of diverse audiences who love the ocean and how to develop effective messaging to motivate target audiences to take action! These are great tools for expanding the impact of your club or chapter and for recruiting new volunteers with diverse backgrounds. Time: April 8th, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time. YOU MUST REGISTER in advance for this meeting.
Additional General Updates

- Surfrider Spanish language brochures are now available! Click here to access them on the Brand Portal.
- The Story Of Plastic documentary will premiere on Discovery Channel in honor of Earth Day! With the television premiere, we'll be kicking off community screenings all over the world. We want to learn more about your plans to screen The Story of Plastic so we can dive into planning the movement peak period (April 22 to June 8) as soon as everything is settled. If you're interested in screening the film or participating in the peak, please fill out this form.
Policy & Legislation Updates
Hot off the presses is the list of statewide legislation that we are supporting, opposing and tracking in 2020!
Please note that this may be updated as new bills are introduced or language in the listed bills changes.
Down the Line
- March 27th - Ocean Day In Sacramento - POSTPONED
- April 17th -19th - Surfrider California Chapters Conference in Ventura - Stay Tuned
- May 16th - Hands Across The Sand
- June 20th - International Surfing Day