Protect & Enjoy - California Podcast Episode: Special Edition featuring Surfrider Foundation CEO Dr. Chad Nelsen! Plus, Policy Victories!

- Surfrider Foundation CEO Dr. Chad Nelsen
- Surfrider Foundation Victories
- ICYMI, August 24 episode: Emergency preparedness, the voice of the future, and how rivers pollute our oceans
- Olivia for the Ocean: 6 Things I'd Grab in a Fire
- Surfrider Student Club Leadership Council
- Surfrider Isla Vista
- Rivers Are Largest Global Source of Mercury in Coastal Oceans
- Dosing the coast: Baltimore County’s leaky pipes are medicating the Chesapeake Bay
- Email me! dbense-kang@surfrider.org
ActCoastal 2020 Coastal Commission Report Card Released!

No other agency or legislative body holds as much responsibility for California’s beloved beaches as does the Coastal Commission; the Commission’s decisions, month after month, permit by permit, shape the use of our coast and, in the face of sea level rise, the future of our beaches. The California Coastal Commission Report Card, published by the ActCoastal coalition, strives to ensure that this responsibility is being met by offering a summary and analysis of the commission’s voting record throughout the year based on key high-priority, high-stakes coastal development projects and issues.
Find the 2020 California Coastal Commission Conservation Report Card here.
Coastal Commission - September Meeting Alert
The Coastal Commission will hear a report on the latest sea level rise adaptation guidance this morning - tune in at cal-span.org! We have a narrow window of opportunity to plan and adapt to sea level rise and climate change in a way that protects the coast - otherwise we may lose our beaches and waves! We must make sure our local and state government are doing all they can - it's time to speak up and take action! Read on!
Update on the Chumash National Marine Sanctuary
Important step in the Chumash National Marine Sanctuary designation process! Last week, "the three California lawmakers sent a letter to the U.S. commerce secretary and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, asking that the designation process move forward. According to a news release, sanctuary designation is the next step in the public policy process to ensure protection for marine resources off the Central Coast." https://newspress.com/california-lawmakers-back-marine.../
Update on SB 1 - Sea Level Rise Mitigation and Adaptation Act

California’s coast is a cornerstone of our state's environment & economy. But as the tides rise, lives & businesses are at risk. Surfrider supports Senator Toni Atkin's bill, SB 1, as it aims to give communities the tools they need to push back against #SeaLevelRise. Thank you to the Assembly for passing this important bill! We'll keep you updated!