Weekly Roundup - Plastic pollution victories, new pod, Ocean Fathoms, access in Pacifica
By msackett
Protect & Enjoy - California // Episode: Outdoors for all, plastic pollution victories, coral might be adaptable

- Outdoor Alliance panel: Making Outdoor Recreation Accessible for All
- California Recycling and Plastic Pollution Reduction Voter Act
- Coral Research Conducted at BIOS
- Email: dbense-kang@surfrider.org for podcast suggestions, questions etc!
Ocean Fathoms?!

Perhaps you've seen in the news - a California restaurant owner has decided they'd like to use our ocean - and its inhabitants to help age and sell their wine for exorbitant prices. We made Bloomberg with this quote: “I think it takes a certain amount of hubris to just do what you want, however you want, wherever you want,” said Jennifer Savage, California policy manager for Surfrider Foundation, a non-profit environmental group. “There’s reasons why people can’t just go out and dump anything they want on the ocean floor.”
Turns out the ocean *isn't* a private wine cellar nor are dead sea creatures a reason to call your wine "art." As Susan Jordan of the California Coastal Protection Network said in LA Times coverage, “For those of us who work in ocean and coastal protection, the sight of a wine bottle encrusted with dead marine life is not a plus.”
Support Brown Girl Surf Pacifica Beach Access Campaign

Please support our friends at brown girl surf on Tuesday, July 20 and advocate for more equitable beach access in Pacifica!
Last year, at the World Wide Paddle out by @Blackgirlssurf, BGS Co-Founder, Mira, spoke about how Pacifica's surf camp permitting system for Linda Mar Beach is inequitable and needs to be reformed. Under this system BGS and other nonprofits offering surf programming were unable to even apply for a permit to operate. For the past year, BGS, @Citysurfproject and many community members and allies have been showing up and have made WAVES of change to create a more diverse and inclusive beach at Linda Mar by developing and proposing an equitable beach permitting process known as CAPP.
Visit the link in our bio for a summary of the Pacifica Beach Access Campaign and a support letter template
Victory! Sea level rise and Climate Change Work Funded in State Budget!

Great news: Instead of being left out of the state's budget, the California Coastal Commission is now officially funded to keep protecting our beloved beaches from those who would privatize them and to help ensure maximum equitable access to them! Read all about it here.