
Weekly Report - August 25

Written by msackett | Aug 28, 2017 2:36:44 PM

Campaign Update // Trestles Toll Road

"There's an idea that this was all some secret agreement—that Surfrider took the money and ran—and that's simply not the case," said Dr. Nelsen in a phone interview. "After 15 years of fighting and winning, we were looking for an end game. [San Clemente] didn't want the original agreement to happen, and are pitting people in the city against people who want to protect the park, which doesn't make sense, because the park is a community asset for the city." - Surfer

Campaign Update // #SayNoToPoseidon

#SayNoToPoseidon "Seawater desalination should be an option of last resort, and the billion dollar boondoggles Poseidon is selling just don’t make sense for California communities." Visit

Action Alert // No Border Sewage

How would you like it if your favorite beach was closed once every week because of sewage in the water? … and the problem persisted year after year without federal or state assistance? Read on:…/en…/no-border-sewage-in-san-diego

Campaign Update // Climate Change Roundup

Check out our monthly 'Climate Roundup' blog post to read the latest climate news and the new challenges facing our coasts.