HippyTree Supports Surfrider Through #52WeeksofNature Photo Contest - This Saturday!

If you're in Southern California this weekend, join the HippyTree crew on Saturday for a night of amazing photography, featuring photos from all 52 winners from HippyTree's 2019 #52weeksofnature photo contest. There will be free drinks, live music, street tacos and lots of stellar imagery from 7pm at Unita Gallery in El Segundo. Join us this Saturday!
Protect & Enjoy Episode 33: A Dose of Optimism, New Year's Resos, Still Time to STOP Wall Street Water PLUS Supercool Factoid with Katie Day!

- Surfrider's New Year's Resolutions: Let's Protect Our Coasts in 2020
- Trade agreement includes $300 million for border pollution cleanup, including Tijuana River Valley
- Surfrider San Diego – Clean Border Water Now
- Surfrider's Blue Water Task Force program
- California's Comprehensive Plastics Legislation
- Protect California's Coast! Reject Wall Street Greed!
- Addressing Global Warming with New Nanoparticles and Sunshine
- Get involved!
- All current Surfrider Action Alerts!
We did it!

Did you know a global corporation is seeking profit from drought fears in SoCal? Poseidon wants to build a $1B #desalination plant that will make drinking water more expensive, harm our ocean, and worsen our #climatecrisis. We reached our goal of 1,000 signatures by Tuesday, Jan. 21! Thank you for your support!
Jennifer and Mandy Do Sacramento
This week, Jennifer and Mandy went to Sacramento and covered a few important meetings on desalination and sea level rise adaptation. Sometimes you have to leave the coast in order to protect it! We're working on some exciting legislation and will fill you in as soon as it takes shape. Here are some photos from the day -