All hands on deck in Huntington Beach! Volunteers needed!

Friday, December 6, 2019 at 8AM. City of Huntington Beach, Council Chambers 2000 Main Street Huntington Beach, CA 92805
A permit for the proposed Poseidon Huntington Beach Desalination plant is on the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board's agenda this Friday, December 6. All hands on deck are needed to come and oppose the plant! The meeting starts at 9am. Please arrive at 8am and plan to stay all day until 5pm. Light refreshments and pizza lunch will be provided.
The proposed Poseidon desalination plant in Huntington Beach would increase the cost of water for Orange County families, harm our ocean and our climate, and we don’t need it! Help us oppose it.
- Orange County has cheaper, cleaner water options. Local solutions like water recycling, conservation, and cleaning up contaminated groundwater are the best alternatives to wasteful water projects like Poseidon, at a fraction of the cost.
- The Poseidon plant is a billion-dollar boondoggle and would increase water bills for Orange County families, hurting low-income families and coastal businesses like hotels and restaurants.
- We need to protect Orange County’s oceans and beaches. The Poseidon plant would kill marine life and discharge polluted brine, creating a “dead zone” offshore of Huntington Beach.
- The water is not needed, the 2018 Municipal Water District of Orange County Water Reliability Study ranks Poseidon last as a source of new water.
- We need to protect our climate. Desalination is the most energy-intensive way to produce fresh water and would generate more climate pollution. The Poseidon plant’s location is vulnerable to flooding from rising seas and extreme storms, as well as earthquakes and tsunamis.
Please come and voice your opposition! Speakers will be given two minutes each. Stickers and signs will be available on site.
For more information, suggested talking points and to RSVP, please contact California Policy Coordinator, Mandy Sackett at msackett@surfrider.org.