On this week's California policy podcast, we dive deep into plastic pollution – and ask you to take action. Twice!
Finally, the ocean as a climate solution
But before hearing from , San Francisco Rise Above Plastic Coordinator Olivia Angus and Staff Scientist Katie Day, please note that Members of the House National Resources Committee have introduced a bold proposal to protect the ocean and fight climate change: the Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act. The multifaceted proposal leverages the power of a healthy ocean to tackle the climate change crisis. From banning offshore oil drilling to increasing blue carbon storage to promoting coastal resilience, the bill takes a comprehensive approach to addressing both the root causes and effects of climate change – see the bill's fact sheet or check out the blog post linked above for the full story.
Who should bear the burden of plastic waste?
Plastic Pollution Initiative Legal Associate Jennie Romer explains why extended producer responsibility (EPR) is critical to reducing plastic pollution. In short, EPR helps ensure that the true cost of plastic is felt by producers by making them responsible the cost of waste management, clean-ups, and raising awareness.

ACTION ALERT! Support the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act!
Every year, about 11 million tons of plastic waste escapes into the ocean from coastal nations. The United States alone disposes or incinerates 32 million tons of plastic each year. Over the past year, the Surfrider Foundation has worked closely with U.S. Senator Tom Udall (NM) and U.S. Representative Alan Lowenthal (CA-47) to introduce bold federal legislation to tackle the plastic pollution crisis: the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act. This bill recognizes that we cannot recycle our way out of this problem and provides a comprehensive approach to reducing plastic pollution. Contact your representatives via the link above!
What can you do in your own home?
Every other week, Olivia Angus, Rise Above Plastics Coordinator for Surfrider's San Francisco chapter, offers "simple swaps" – ways for you to stop using waste-producing items and start using sustainable options instead. Listen for this week's helpful hint and check out Olivia's website for more advice on how to live a plastic-free life.
A deep, deep dive into microplastics
In this week's Factoid, Surfrider Staff Scientist Katie Day touches on the increasing health risks humans face from the problem of microplastics and recommends a series of webinars for those looking to learn more. After listening, you'll definitely want to take part in our second action alert...

ACTION ALERT! Support the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act
According to a 2016 report, 230,000 tons of pre-production plastic pellets pollute the marine environment each year. About 22,000 pellets are found in a single pound, meaning trillions of pellets are scattered into the environment every year. Current law allows plastic producers and shippers to discharge trillions of small pre-production plastic pellets (“nurdles”) directly into waters little to no enforcement. Thus far, enforcement has relied upon high-profile litigation against specific companies.
Take action now to join Surfrider in supporting S.4681, the Plastic Pellet Free Waters Act, to prohibit the discharge of plastic pellets or other pre-production plastic materials.
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