For immediate release
April 28, 2017
Jennifer Savage, Surfrider Foundation, jsavage@surfrider.org, 707-267-8458
Coastal advocates agree: California will reject more dirty and dangerous drilling
Today, the Trump Administration issued an executive order directing the U.S. Interior Department to review the current schedule for offshore drilling lease sales, potentially opening the door to new oil and gas drilling off California’s coast. The order also asked for a review of all marine national monuments and national marine sanctuaries from the past decade. The order has generated unified opposition by key California state leaders—both administrative and legislative. Coastal advocates are equally opposed:
“Even in a time of fake news and science denial, oil drilling off our coast is dirty and dangerous. California needs to move to 100% clean energy, and I look forward to working with state leaders to accelerate our transition to these fuels of the future,” said Dan Jacobson, State Director for Environment California.
“Every Californian deserves clean air and access to a clean coast, and Trump’s reckless plan to open up offshore drilling along our shores would jeopardize both. We thank state leaders for standing strong against this attempt to sell out our public coastline in the name of polluter profits,” said Marce Gutierrez-Graudins of Azul.
“Decades of spills, leaks and occasional explosions leave no doubt that offshore oil drilling is damaging – and Californians don't want it. The coast is our playground and our coastal economy depends on tourism, recreation and fishing. Surfrider's members are prepared to reject the interests of the oil and gas industry, defend the rights of the public, and keep battling these blatant attempts to exploit our national treasures," said Jennifer Savage, Surfrider Foundation's California Policy Manager.
“California’s coastline is the driving force behind a $40 billion ocean economy, and California has barred new offshore oil leasing in state waters for nearly half a century. Our wall is a blue wall that will defeat any efforts by the Trump Administration to grant new federal offshore oil leases along our coast. Trump can either lead the country into a renewable energy future, or he can get out of the way as California marches forward,” said Susan Jordan, Executive Director of California Coastal Protection Network.