On Monday, your California policy staff spent the day in Sacramento with the Outdoor Alliance raising awareness and supporting AB 1111 - to establish an Office of Outdoor Recreation. Read on for more details and photos of our exciting day. Prefer an audio version? Check it all out via our latest Protect & Enjoy podcast episode.

The bill would require the office to undertake certain activities, including supporting the outdoor recreation economy and working toward equitable access to outdoor areas of the state by engaging in specified activities. The bill would also require the office to create an advisory committee to provide advice, expertise, support, and service to the office. The bill would authorize the office to receive assistance and funds from public and private sources, and would require that the moneys received by the office pursuant to this provision or appropriated by the Legislature for purposes of the bill be deposited in the California Outdoor Recreation Account, which the bill would create.
- From the Coast/Ocean Legislation 2019 page
Assemblymember Laura Friedman introduced the bill to help California catch up with 15 other states that already have an Office of Outdoor Recreation. Sadly, surveys show that 44% of California's population does not engage in outdoor activities at all.
We need your help to make sure it passes and outdoor recreation becomes more accessible for all. Please call your State Senators office today and ask them to pass AB 1111 out of the Appropriations Committee and onto to the floor for a vote.
We set up on the lawn with other Alliance members to raise awareness and also stormed the Capitol building, meeting with representative to encourage them to support the bill.

Outdoor Alliance is the only organization in the U.S. that unites the voices of outdoor enthusiasts to conserve public lands and ensure those lands are managed in a way that embraces the human-powered experience. It is a coalition of national advocacy organizations that includes American Whitewater, American Canoe Association, Access Fund, International Mountain Bicycling Association, Winter Wildlands Alliance, the Mountaineers, the American Alpine Club, the Mazamas, the Colorado Mountain Club, and the Surfrider Foundation.
Other alliance members joined us for a fun day of giveaways and stoke sharing.