Last Week Today! Nuclear waste, New Plan Under Biden, Coastal Commission report + more!
By msackett
Hello and Happy Monday!
Please enjoy a few updates from last week - we've curated the highlights for you so you'll never miss a thing happening on the California coast!
Help us better understand nuclear waste and its risk to our ocean!

We are excited to announce that Surfrider is partnering with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute's Our Radioactive Ocean campaign to launch an effort to test the radioactive effluent at San Onofre State Beach in order to gain a better understanding of how this effluent impacts the ambient water quality. Our hope is to raise funding for six sampling events: two before an effluent release, two during, and two after. But we need your help!
Surfrider will coordinate with volunteers to collect water samples both in the surf zone and at the outfall site (1.1 miles offshore) before, during, and after a planned release of radioactive effluent from the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. Samples will be shipped to Woods Hole for testing and processing, focusing primarily on the radioactive isotope, Cesium-137 and we will report out the results.If you are concerned about effluent releases at San Onofre and able to donate please visit our fundraising page and help us spread the word!
Update from the Plastics Team!
Since 2005, we have achieved hundreds of victories to stop the flow of plastics into our environment — including over 60 victories this past year! But how exactly are these victories accomplished?
Here, we take a peek behind the scenes with Surfrider ambassador and founder of Plastic Free Fridays, Meg Haywood-Sullivan, as she sits down with Surfrider staff and activists to learn how we pass important plastic reduction legislation. Learn more here!
The Next Four Years
The threats facing our coasts and ocean have never been more urgent. Over the next 4 years, we have a pivotal opportunity to grow and diversify our grassroots movement and to strengthen protections for our ocean and coasts, for generations to come. We will push to restore environmental laws that were weakened under the Trump administration and we will continue to empower our grassroots network in federal campaigns to push for historic legislation on climate change and plastic pollution. Ocean protection and climate action are non-partisan issues and we welcome all who are motivated, to join our unique and powerful community as we fight to protect our ocean, waves and beaches. Click here for the full report!
Coastal Commission November Report

The Coastal Commission’s November agenda took place virtually from Wednesday, November 4 to Friday, November 6. The Commission had a fairly dense agenda with several important coastal preservation items. The Commission approved two managed retreat projects in Goleta and Gleason Beach. The Commission also approved the California Coastal Commission Strategic Plan 2021-2025 as well as the Shared Principles For Adaptation Planning - a joint statement with the California State Association of Counties and the League of California Cities on guiding principles for sea level rise adaptation planning. The meeting resulted in one vote chart with the Ritz-Carlton illegal seawall resolution and managed retreat project. Check out the full meeting report on the ActCoastal home page. Also, check out our monthly newsletter and subscribe so you don't miss a thing!
P.S. - Subscribe to our podcast - Protect & Enjoy - for the full low down!