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Introducing Our New Southern California Regional Manager!

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Kayaking on a sunny day along the coast of Santa Catalina Island. 

Michaela Coats comes to Surfrider with a background in marine conservation science, environmental education, and non-profit program management. In her new role as Southern California Regional Manager, she will support the chapters from Los Angeles to San Diego, increasing their capacity to make positive change on behalf of our ocean, waves, and beaches through community-based programs and campaigns. She's excited to dive in and connect with activists in her region; in the meantime, let's get to know Michaela!

What’s your favorite marine animal and why? 

Marine invertebrates are always overlooked, so I will give some credit to the iconic abalone. My master’s degree research was spent conducting rocky intertidal habitat assessments in Orange County on behalf of NOAA for the recovery of the endangered black abalone. After searching high and low for them in the rocky intertidal, learning about their rich cultural and ecological history, and caring for juveniles in an aquarium, these charismatic snails will always have a special place in my heart. 


A black abalone shell found during field training in Southern California in December 2020.

What have been the highlights of your career so far?

So far, a highlight of my career has been connecting thousands of students across Orange County with the coast through hands-on environmental education. For three years, I managed watershed education programs at Orange County Coastkeeper that took students who face barriers to accessing our coast on field trips to engage in ocean and coastal science. Taking an environmental science course in high school was a major catalyst for my decision to pursue an academic and professional career in ocean conservation, so I hope those students are inspired to join the movement for coastal and ocean protection. 

What are three fun facts about yourself? 

  1. I am a relatively-new caretaker to three chickens: Nugs, Hennifer, and Princess Leia. I will be taking submissions for more “punny” names when new tiny dinosaurs are eventually added to the flock!

  2. The majority of my wardrobe is second-hand from thrift stores, online sellers like eBay, or friends. Shopping second-hand is a fun treasure hunt that serves as a great reminder to slow down and be conscious about what we are purchasing/consuming.  

  3. I am a certified California Naturalist and I am always trying to improve my wildlife identification skills. Catch me with a pair of binoculars looking for birds or using iNaturalist to identify new plant species.  
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Pictured from left to right: Hennifer, Nugs, and Princess Leia. Leia (pictured again on the right) is almost a fully-grown hen now! 

Why is being a part of the Surfrider ocean conservation community important to you?

Being a part of the Surfrider ocean conservation community is important to me because it’s a powerful direct line of action for the protection of our oceans across all scales of impact. I deeply value a community-driven approach to ocean conservation, especially for advancing environmental justice, including pollution reduction and coastal access. I also recognize that many of our environmental challenges require systemic solutions.

Surfrider’s network of activists harnesses the collective power that, when united, can amplify our mission through community-based programs and make meaningful systemic change through policy campaigns. The intricate challenges that threaten our coasts and oceans can often feel daunting, but we are empowered when we join together!  

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Some of my favorite shots from my time spent in the rocky intertidal! From left to right: California two-spot octopus, Ochre sea stars with anemones and mussels, & Hopkin's rose nudibranch. 

What are you most excited about in your role as the Southern California Regional Manager?

I am most excited to connect with and support all of the amazing ocean activists in the chapter network from Los Angeles to San Diego. I was born and raised in Southern California, so it is an incredibly meaningful opportunity for me to work to protect the place that I call home. Memories from time spent along the coast were formative in developing my values of ocean protection so I am looking forward to helping others find their place in this movement.

The Southern California coastline faces some unique environmental challenges due to its dense urbanization, but I am looking forward to strengthening the capacity of our chapters to implement programs and campaigns that blend science, policy, and community-driven activism to protect our coasts and oceans for all.

IMG_6177First day at Surfrider HQ!