Well California - we made it through another week of #StayHomeShredLater! We urge you to check out our recent blog: The Beach and COVID-19: Understanding the Risks, if you haven't already to help answer the lingering question in many of our minds - "Does recreating at the beach really increase my risk of getting sick with COVID-19?" We've also put together this informative video below. Check it out!
The LA Times recently interviewed us and shared our sentiments -"Californians should’ve erred on the side of caution quite a while back, and we didn’t,” Jennifer Savage, Surfrider’s policy manager in California, said. “So it makes a lot of sense that we should collectively choose to err on the side of caution going forward, so that we can get through all of this faster, together.' Check out the full story!

It's not to late to help us celebrate Earth Day virtually! On this 50th anniversary of Earth Day, show your love of the ocean, waves and beaches by taking a moment to complete our climate change action alert! TAKE ACTION NOW!
“This is not your beach; this is our beach!” LA Curbed published a detailed history over the ongoing fight to save Broad Beach in Malibu - check it! https://la.curbed.com/2020/4/22/21230250/sea-level-rise-malibu-california
VICTORY #19: Supreme Court Sides with Surfrider Maui in Monumental RulingIn a massive decision, the U.S. Supreme Court — the highest court in the land — has sided with Surfrider Foundation - Maui Chapter to defend clean water protections nationwide.This decision solidifies the Clean Water Act’s place as one of the nation’s most effective environmental laws.#StandUpForCleanWaterhttps://www.surfrider.org/press-center/entry/8969
Why our chapter network is the BEST! Thank you thank you wonderful volunteers! https://www.surfrider.org/coastal-blog/entry/why-the-surfrider-foundation-matters-more-than-ever-community
Protect & Enjoy Podcast Episode 44

Our most recent podcast on April 20, 2020 contains all the exciting updates below. Click here to listen: Protect & Enjoy Episode 44: An Action Alert Twofer! Plus (Virtual) Earth Day and FACTOID with Katie Day – Cloud Seeding?! Don't forget to subscribe and share!
- Help Surfrider Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day
- Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day with California's Natural Resources Agency
- Surfrider Earth Day Climate Change ACTION ALERT
- Save the Land and Water Conservation Fund!
- Congress Should Stick with Conservation Funding in Dark Times – SF Chronicle editorial
- Scientists trial world-first 'cloud-brightening' technique to preserve coral reefs
- Beachapedia
- Surfrider California