
California Policy Roundup

Written by Bill Hickman | Jun 7, 2024 12:48:50 AM

Statewide Policy Field Updates: A critical legislative deadline to pass bills out of their house of origin in Sacramento ended on April 24, 2024. Surfrider priority campaigns and updates include: 

AB 2236 & SB 1053 to stregthen the statewide bag ban passed their respectives house and AB 2236 is headed to the CA Senate and SB 1053 is now in the Assembly. Please share and sign the action alert to keep the momentum going!

Unfortunately, AB 2648 to reduce single-use plastic beverage bottles in state agencies will no longer be moving forward this legislative session.

Curious to know what’s going on with the state’s new law to reduce plastic packaging (SB 54)? Read more here!

The Ocean Protection Council updated its draft Sea Level Rise Scientific and Policy Guidance, which will have a big impact on planning for sea level rise in California. You can read about Surfrider’s comments at our blog, or watch the meeting (this item starts at minute 20).

The next Coastal Commission meeting (June 12-14) is a great chance to learn about a couple of Surfrider priority campaigns. On Wednesday, the Commission will consider whether SpaceX’s proposal to launch up to 100 rockets a year off Vandenberg air force base is consistent with state environmental regulations. On Thursday, the SF Chapter will show up to support a ten-year campaign to protect Ocean Beach, San Francisco from erosion and sea level rise.