Policy Update // San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
"It’s hard to think of a worse place to store radioactive waste than feet from the beach at San Onofre, which is in the proximity of millions of people, one of the state’s most popular state parks, and home to some of California’s best surfing areas," said Dr. Chad Nelsen, CEO of the Surfrider Foundation. "There is no immediate solution to removing the waste because the necessary federal repository does not exist. The Surfrider Foundation is committed to ensuring that the storage is done as soon and as safely as possible and we call upon the federal government to find a long term solution to remove and permanently store the waste in a more appropriate location." Read more about the plan in our recent blog and take action now!

Policy Update // AB 1129 - Coastal Access and Protection Act
Short-term protection will only hasten the demise of our beaches. Please take a moment to make calls to Assemblyman Mark Stone (bill sponsor) and Assemblyman Al Muratsuchi (a key member of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee) and ask them to support AB 1129.
Assemblyman Stone: (916) 319-2029
Assemblyman Muratsuchi: (916) 319-2066
Read the full action alert here.

News Alert // Plastic Pollution
The Los Angeles Times recently reported that plastic waste has gotten out of hand (we agree!). The article includes great information on how we can ban plastic foam take-out boxes by supporting SB 705!