There is an important piece of legislation going to its first committee hearing this Monday, April 17 – Assembly Natural Resources. AB 1129 – Coastal Access and Protection Act does not ban coastal armoring but it does do 3 important things:
- Amends Coastal Act policy 30235 to clarify that structures built after Jan 1,1977 are not “existing” under terms of the Act, and are not entitles to a seawall permit, except if all other policies of the Act are met (would not change original grandfathering of development)
- Gives CCC expanded authority to levy administrative fines and enforce against illegal seawalls. Currently, the CCC has to go to court. Fines would go to CCC’s mitigation funds
- Limits emergency seawalls to temporary structures, with minimum impacts needed to abate the threat, and requires removal of emergency armoring in the absence of longer-term authorization.
It is very important for our work protecting beach access and recreational resources statewide. We need to make calls in support of this bill between now and Monday morning.
Please make calls to Assemblyman Stone (bill sponsor) and Assemblyman Muratsuchi (a key member of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee).
Assemblyman Stone's phone number is (916) 319-2029
Assemblyman Muratsuchi's phone number is (916) 319-2066
Please see the suggested talking points below.
- I’m calling today to let [elected official] know that I support AB 1129 Coastal Access and Protection Act.
- The Coastal Access and Protection Act helps prepare our coast for the impacts of climate change, and preserves public access to the beach and other natural areas. It also provides clear direction and enhanced authority to the California Coastal Commission to minimize the use of armoring because of its adverse impacts on coastal ecosystems and public access.
- Much of California’s coast has been armored with seawalls and other coastal defense structures, which are a temporary fix for the long-term effects of a changing shoreline.
- Nature-based alternatives to armoring that use natural features and processes to protect property have been shown to cost less or about the same as armoring. Defending our beaches from unnecessary seawalls will restore and enhance the natural character of the coast and make sure California’s beaches remain open to all, now and in the future.
- Again, I urge [elected official] to support AB 1129 – Coastal Access and Protection Act. Thank you for your time.