January Coastal Commission Hearing Report
The January Coastal Commission hearing in San Luis Obispo was slightly lighter than usual. Nonetheless, several important items came before the Commission. Most notable was Poseidon Resource, LLC’s request for a permit fee waiver for their Huntington Beach desalination proposal. The Commission panel was also down one commissioner as governor-appointee Wendy Mitchell recently resigned her post after six years.
Read the full meeting report here.
Coastal Commission Executive Director Update
Candidate interviews will be conducted on Friday, Feb. 10 on the last day of the Coastal Commission hearing. Commissioners may announce a decision that day or delay the decision for a future hearing.

#SaveOurCoast Victories in 2016
Surfrider Foundation works to protect California's coastline every day. Last year included a number of big wins at the Coastal Commission as part of our ActCoastal coalition. Check out what they've accomplished here, along with a glimpse of what is to come.

California must protect its coastline
It's a new year and a new political landscape. Looking ahead, California State Treasurer John Chiang's recent Op Ed in the Sac Bee highlighted the need to protect California's coastline:
"Californians are as steadfast in our commitment to clean energy as we are about coastal protection. As we look ahead to the next four years, it will be more important than ever to have the right guardians in state agencies, especially the Coastal Commission. We stand ready to defend what is ours."
Read the entire article here.