Coastal Commission Report The California policy team has continued to work hard to defend the Coastal Act over the past several months. A number of important issues were decided upon at the November Coastal Commission hearing including low-cost visitor-serving uses, gender equity in coastal access, shoreline armoring and the first major Local Coastal Program update since the statewide funding for sea level rise planning was issued. Read the full meeting report on the ActCoastal Coalition website, here. P.S. You can follow the ActCoastal Coalition on Twitter and Facebook. Please let us know of your coastal concerns – we must all work together to #SaveOurCoast! We Did It!  It’s here, the California plastic bag ban is going into effect! Now on to phase two: encouraging people to remember their reusable bags. Many stores have already implemented the plastic checkout bag ban and it has caught some shoppers by surprise. Read more here. The Next Four Years  In the wake of the presidential election, the Surfrider Foundation calls for a strengthening of grassroots activism. Read more here. Executive Director Search Survey The Coastal Commission is hiring a new Executive Director and has issued a survey to incorporate public comments into the search process. Participate in this search process to ensure strong and transparent protection of California's Coastal Act. It is important to emphasize the need for the new ED to maintain an independent staff and an inspirational, high-functioning atmosphere. Click here for a link to the survey and suggested responses. |